Friday, June 20, 2008

A New Life, A New Haircut

Every night I have to get into a wimple and veil for the nun in "The Sound of Music". Every night I have to pull all of my hair back and tie it up and pin it so it doesn't come out so I can fit it in this costume.

Needless to say I was getting pretty tired of doing my hair in the day and then pulling it all back and pinning it. Then it hit me, I was going to have to do this for the next 14 months. In "Finding Nemo", we work with puppets and our bodies are completely covered except for our faces, so I would have to do this for the run of THAT show too. That is when I made my decision. My hair MUST go.

This is me before I cut it.

This is right after the first cut. That giant amount of hair was donated to "Locks of Love".

And here is the final product. I am amazed by how much hair came off of my head. It's insane. But I really love it and it's super easy to take care of. Plus, Adam REALLY likes it, so, how can you lose?


Tiff said...

My ENTIRE life, I've wished I had the kind of face that could pull off really short hair. I just can't.

But YOU, ma'dear, seriously look absolutely adorable! I love it. And I bet it feels great in the summer heat!


Brett and Lisa said...

wow! That is super brave of you! It does look great! I also like the halfway length... when it grows that long again, you should keep it that way for a bit, too!

Rach, Mike, Allie and Hadley said...

I LOVE IT! It is totally you!

Jen said...

You are so beautiful you can wear your hair anyway you want! I love the new cut. You look just like Julie Andrews.

fivewalkers said...

You look Fabulous!!! You are so brave to cut that much off in one sitting. I usually have several hair cuts before I get it to the length I like. :-)

Anonymous said...

I haven't had the chance to tell you how darling you look! I love the new hair cut. You have the perfect face for that kind of cut. And way to go on donating the hair! I wish more people realized how much that hair is really needed. Love you sista

Joe said...

Wow - the transformation is almost complete. Add some red dye #42 and you will officially be MOM. Looking at that picture I half expect you to give me a stern look and yell "Joseph!".

Anonymous said...

My mom and I love it! You are the cutest thing anyway you do your hair. In fact, if you were bald, you would be the cutest baldy waldy there was. I'm proud of you for donating your hair. I did the same thing for the third time just a few months ago. Love, Melissa aka Julie Jordan

Zach and Linds said...

Ahhhh!! I love it!! My gosh it is so beautiful on you! No wonder Adam loves it! Zach loves short hair too. It is his favorite! We can't wait to see pictures of all the fun things you are doing with Finding Nemo!